
Lose Yourself

Lose Yourself

To think of attaining realization, salvation, and God without dropping your titles is nothing but self-deception.  By exchanging money you can get things other than money. But in Meditation you lose yourself, only to find yourself.  The reward which God gives, is none other than God himself...

If you are happy, you are the cause of it;
If you are unhappy, again you are the cause;
If you are muddled, you are its cause;
If you are clear, you the cause.
All that has already happened in life,
Or is happening,
Or will happen in the future,
You will be the cause of it.
If you start searching for the cause in others, you will stray
from the right course;
So develop the art of looking for the reasons within you.
Then, life will become easy, simple, and meaningful