Monthly Sadhana
Welcome to our Monthly Sadhana Page
January / February 2025
Swami Yogiraj Nanak
2025 New Years Premeire
Gita Dhyanam
(to listen and follow along click on link above)
The Gītā Dhyānam, also called the Gītā Dhyāna or the Dhyāna Ślokas associated with the Gītā, is a 9-verse Sanskrit poem that has often been attached to the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most important scriptures of Hinduism. In English, its title can be translated literally as "meditation on the Gita," and it is also sometimes called the Invocation to the Gita.
The nine Gita Dhyanam verses offer salutations to a variety of sacred scriptures, Gods, and other entities, characterize the relationship of the Gita to the Upanishads, and affirm the power of divine assistance.
Om parthaya prathiboditham bhagawathaa narayanena swayam Vyasaena grahithaam purana muninaa madhye mahabaratham | Advaithamrutha varshineem bhagawtheem ashtadasaadhyayineem Ambaa thvaam anusandadhaami bhagwad gite bhava-dweshineem ||1||
That which was taught to Arjuna by Lord Narayana himself,
Which was written by the epic sage Vyasa in the middle of Mahabaratha,
Oh Mother goddess who showers the nectar of advaitha called the Bhagawad Gita, Which has eighteen chapters, I meditate on you mother who removes all past karma.
Namosthuthe vyasa vishala-buddhe phullaravindaayata pathra nethra |
Yena thvayaa bhaaratha thaila poorna: prajjvaalitho jnanamaya pradheepa: ||2||
Salutations to Vyasa who has immense intellect, who has eyes like petals of a lotus flower, Who has filled up the oil to the lamp of Mahabaratha, and lighted it to pinpoint wisdom.
Prapanna-parijataaya totra vetraika paanaye |
Jnana mudhraaya krishnaaya geethamritha-duhe nama: ||3||
Salutations to Krishna who is a wish giving tree, who holds a cane to drive the cattle, Who also shows the seal of Jnana, and gave us all the nectar of Gita.
Sarvopanishadho gaavo dogdhaa gopala- nandana: |
Partho vatsa: sudheer bhokthaa dugdam geetamritham mahathu ||4||
All the Upanishads are the cows and Krishna is the one who milks them, Arjuna is the calf, the devotees are the consumers of the great nectar of Gita.
Vasudeva sutham devam kamsa chanoora mardhanam | Devaki paramaanandam krishnam vande jagad-gurum ||5||
I salute the teacher of the world, who is the son of Vasudeva,
Who killed Kamsa and Chanoora and is the one who gave divine joy to Devaki.
Bhishma-drona-tathaa jayadradha-jalaa gandhaara neelothphala Shalya grahavathee kripena vahanee karnena velaakulaa | Aswathaama-vikarna-ghora-makaraa duryodhana varthinee Sotheerna kalu pandavai rana-nadhee kaivarthaka: kesava: ||6||
Bheeshma and Drona were two banks , Jayadrada was the water, Sakuni the king of Gandhara was the blue lotus, Salya was the crocodile, Kripa was the tide, Karna was the mighty wave, Aswathama and Vikarna were the dangerous alligators and Duryodhana was the whirlpool, And the Pandavas crossed this river of war with Krishna as their helmsman.
Paaraasarya-vaca: sarojam-amalam githartha gandothkatam Naanaakhyanakakesaram hari-kathaa sambodhanaabodhitham | Loke sajjana shat padairaharaha: pepiyamaanam mudhaa
Bhooyad bhaaratha pamkajam kalimalapradhvamsina: shreyase ||7||
Let the lotus flower of Mahabharata, which arose from the water, Which are the words of son of Parasara, Vyasa, which has the pollen grains of different stories, Which is taught in the form of stories of Lord Vishnu, That is drunk by the honey bee of very good people, Help those who want to remove the ills of Kali age.
Mookam karoti vaachaalam pankhum langhayate girim |
Yath krupa tam-aham vande param-aananda maadhavam ||8||
I salute that Maadhava, the source of supreme bliss, whose grace makes the dumb man eloquent and the cripple cross mountains.
Yam brahma varunendra rudra marutha: stunvanthi divyai: sthavai: Vedai: saanga padakramopanishadai: gaayanthi yam saamagaah: | Dhyanavasthitha thadgadena manasaa pasyanthi yam yogino Yasyaantham na vidhu suraasura ganaa devaaya tasmai nama: ||9||
I salute him who is worshipped by divine chants by Brahma, Varuna, Indra, Rudra and Vayu, Who is pleased by singers of Sama Veda, by singing Vedas and Upanishads, by following the word sequence, Who is seen by yogis who are absorbed in him, with their mind merging in him, and whose end is not known even by the devas and asuras.
(SVT Vindhya Krishna Class 2016-2017)
Jai Gurudev!
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanthi
December 2024
Gita Jayanthi
December 11th
ब्रह्मभूत: प्रसन्नात्मा न शोचति न काङ् क्षति |
सम: सर्वेषु भूतेषु मद्भक्तिं लभते पराम् || 54||
brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā na śhochati na kāṅkṣhati
samaḥ sarveṣhu bhūteṣhu mad-bhaktiṁ labhate parām
Ch 18, verse 54 - Bhagavad Gita
With gratitude for the Bhagavad Gita and the Guru who guides us to learn, contemplate, and embibe this Sacred text in our daily lives in service to Him.
Jai Shri Krishna
November 2024
Yogini Prakash Didi Kapoor Smriti Diwas
Tuesday, November 5th
link to Prakash Didi's bio below:
Jai Guru Dev
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
As for previous sadhana postings you may scroll down, review, and also check out our Monthly News.
October 2024
Oct 3 - Oct 12
Vijayadashami - Day of Victory
Sat. Oct 12th
Most festive days of worship of the Divine in form of
Devi and Guru.
Deepening our Devotion through prayers, study, inner body and mind purification as means of destroying the demons lurking within.
Grand time to deepen, enhance and be inspired to continue an ongoing practice, Sadhana.
Let’s allow the Devi and Guru to manifest in our hearts.
Jai Devi Mata
Jai Guru Dev
Swami Yogiraj Jayanthi
Tuesday, October 8th
Jayanthi Premiere on the 97th Birth Anniversary of Swami Yogiraj Nanak
kindly click below to receive your notification
The role of the Guru in the life of a spiritual seeker has no comparisons. Over the months and recent years we have been introducing on a Monthly basis various Dehypnotic Meditation practices as introduced by
Swamiji Yogiraj Nanak ji and in the past couple years this has expanded to include those of Vedantic Meditation as introduced by Swami Anubhavananda ji. All this has been intended to inspire and help seekers connect to the Self, to get established in an ongoing practice, and to bring the essence of these practices and teachings into all aspects of our daily life.
Likewise on our facebook page we have been posting various talks and satsangs on a regular basis conducted by great teachers and Masters of this day to help us grow in our overall understanding and be inspired and able to imbibe these teachings in our day to day life.
This month instead of posting a new meditation practice we’d like to bring to your attention the significance of being in the presence of a Master Yogi, a Mahatma, and the rare opportunity to receive the direct teachings, practices and help get established in them in the presence of such a One. This divine opportunity is now upcoming with Swami Anubhavananda ji, who will be conducting camps in Rishikesh India in Dec. 2024 in the Himalayas.
There are still few spots available for enrollment for sincere seekers so please note the details as below:
Retreats in Rishikesh Dec 2024
with Swamiji Anubhavanandaji:
Camp 1 Dec 2nd to 9th Dec 2024 in English
Camp 2 Dec 10th to 17th Dec. 2024 in Hindi
Registration is on 1st come 1st serve basis.
Retreat Venue:
Swami Dayananada Ashram
Dayananda Nagar/Chandreshwar Nagar
Rishikesh 249137
Contribution 10,000 Rupees per person per camp
Payment details will be made available once enrolled.
For enrollment and Details Please Contact /Message
Bharatbhai in India @
+917 715 002430
or Contact Diksha @ +1 612 232 2604
for any contact related issues or if want to travel from abroad and need info on where to spend day or so in Delhi before reaching Rishikesh as well as means to reach Rishikesh from Delhi or elsewhere in India.
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ki
Om Shanti Shanti Shantih
July 2024
The role of Guru in the life of an individual has no comparisons. This Guru Purnima, let us take out time to understand how a Guru creates an impact on the Shishya and the different facets of an enlightened Guru.
*Scheduled at times convenient for aastika bandhus in India as well as the West. Do spread word.*
Simple Registration is mandatory:
For more information about Monthly Sadhana programs and events contact Diksha at
call or text (+1) 612 232 2604
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ji !
Jनहि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
na hi jñānena sadṛiśhaṁ pavitramiha vidyate
In this world, there is indeed no purifier equivalent to knowledge.
(BG.Ch 4.38)
Vedantic Meditation (Eng) - Talk 1
Swami Anubhavananda
Vedantic Meditation (Eng) - Talk 2
Swami Anubhavananda
Vedantic Meditation (Eng) - Talk 3
Swami Anubhavananda
Vedantic Meditation (Eng) - Talk 4
Swami Anubhavananda
May 2024
Adi Shankaracharya Jayanthi
Sunday, May 12th
न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
na hi jñānena sadṛiśhaṁ pavitramiha vidyate
In this world, there is indeed no purifier equivalent to knowledge.
(BG.Ch 4.38)
Essence of Advaita Vedanta
A Self Inquiry
3-fold process
1- Shravana - Listening to Satsang, to Guru,
studying, reading content
2- Mananam - Reflecting deeply, converting knowledge to conviction and experiencing God via mind
3- Nididhyasana - Diving deeper through reflection, absorbing its essence by the inner experience of its meaning, which leads to complete awakening and realization.
Here we introduce:
A. ‘Meditation and the Mind’ from the Pearls of Wisdom
by Swami Anubhavananda
23 invaluable tools from the Pearls of Wisdom
1. Meditation begins when we start working on the mind because the mind is the place where samsara is established and where truth is revealed.
2. During meditation, be the silent observer of your thoughts.
3. When we don’t talk to ourselves, we reduce talking to others. Then we are in meditation.
4. We are in delusion 24/7. So we have to practice meditation 24/7.
5. Moving from the virtual apparent reality to the actual is meditation.
6. Grossified consciousness is the mind. Grossified mind are words. Grossified words is the world.
7. The mind expresses as words. Do not talk to yourself. This stops thought formation.
8. Our body is in the mind. The mind is not in the body.
9. Focus your mind on something higher. The lower fades away. It will not bother us.
10. Don’t struggle with the mind. Engage it constructively. Keep it busy. Learn something.
11. Don’t trust your mind. Keep it strictly disciplined by the intellect.
12. The mind first perceives and based on this perception, it starts projecting.
13. Duality will continue to appear to exist, because we are functioning through our body and mind.
14. Let our mind be like a mirror –
a. reflect everything
b. react to nothing
c. retain nothing
d. remain unaffected by everything
15. Modifications of the mind are bound to happen. So also body identification. Don’t take them seriously.
16. When we learn from our experiences, we don’t create impressions on our mind.
17. Go wherever you want to go but take care of your mind. Don’t react. Relax.
18. Grossified consciousness is the mind. Grossified mind are words. Grossified words is the world.
19. Our attention should be on the quality of our mind in every situation.
20. Don’t fight with the mind. It is like insisting there should be no waves on the ocean surface. If the mind is turbulent, let it be. Stand apart. It will settle down.
21. The nature of the human mind is that it cannot get attracted to the same thing twice.
22. When we see anything once and move on, our mind does not create impressions. When we give attention to it or interact, it creates an impression.
23. Don’t talk about your past. Then past is eliminated. Don’t talk to yourself. Then future is eliminated. Then you are in the present.
for deeper study and inquiry go to:
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
April – May 2024
Special Sadhana Camps and Satsang in USA
with Swami Anubhavananda ji
we are thrilled to inform everyone that
Swami Anubhavananda ji is in town
and we have the amazing fortune
to attend His satsangs and attend
His scheduled Special camps
These programs scheduled with Him
across USA are here in this link
You may contact the contacts listed in link above
or reach out to Diksha for details:
and/or call, text (or what’s app) to:
+1 612 232 2604
Looking forward!
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
Essence of Vedantic and
Dehypnotic Meditation:
A Self Inquiry Journey
3-fold process
1- Shravana - Listening to Satsang, to Guru,
studying, reading content
2- Mananam - Reflecting deeply, converting knowledge to conviction and experiencing God via mind
3- Nididhyasana - Diving deeper through reflection, absorbing its essence by the inner experience of its meaning, which leads to complete awakening and realization.
Here we introduce:
A. ‘Meditation and the Mind’ from the Pearls of Wisdom by Swami Anubhavananda
(section 2 of 6, based on his Panchadashi Retreat at Murudeshwar, October 2023)
B. The 25 Sutras of Swami Yogiraj Nanak - Revelatory and Aphoristic Sayings for Self-Transformation
(English Version)
* Do allow space for a minimum of 45 minutes - 1 hour of aloneness twice daily to truly derive the full benefit of these precious tools for your own benefit and all who we come in contact with in our daily life:
We begin with:
23 invaluable tools from the Pearls of Wisdom
1. Meditation begins when we start working on the mind because the mind is the place where samsara is established and where truth is revealed.
2. During meditation, be the silent observer of your thoughts.
3. When we don’t talk to ourselves, we reduce talking to others. Then we are in meditation.
4. We are in delusion 24/7. So we have to practice meditation 24/7.
5. Moving from the virtual apparent reality to the actual is meditation.
6. Grossified consciousness is the mind. Grossified mind are words. Grossified words is the world.
7. The mind expresses as words. Do not talk to yourself. This stops thought formation.
8. Our body is in the mind. The mind is not in the body.
9. Focus your mind on something higher. The lower fades away. It will not bother us.
10. Don’t struggle with the mind. Engage it constructively. Keep it busy. Learn something.
11. Don’t trust your mind. Keep it strictly disciplined by the intellect.
12. The mind first perceives and based on this perception, it starts projecting.
13. Duality will continue to appear to exist, because we are functioning through our body and mind.
14. Let our mind be like a mirror –
a. reflect everything
b. react to nothing
c. retain nothing
d. remain unaffected by everything
15. Modifications of the mind are bound to happen. So also body identification. Don’t take them seriously.
16. When we learn from our experiences, we don’t create impressions on our mind.
17. Go wherever you want to go but take care of your mind. Don’t react. Relax.
18. Grossified consciousness is the mind. Grossified mind are words. Grossified words is the world.
19. Our attention should be on the quality of our mind in every situation.
20. Don’t fight with the mind. It is like insisting there should be no waves on the ocean surface. If the mind is turbulent, let it be. Stand apart. It will settle down.
21. The nature of the human mind is that it cannot get attracted to the same thing twice.
22. When we see anything once and move on, our mind does not create impressions. When we give attention to it or interact, it creates an impression.
23. Don’t talk about your past. Then past is eliminated. Don’t talk to yourself. Then future is eliminated. Then you are in the present.
Followed by the recitation, reflection, and integration of the 25 Sutras of Yogiraj.
The 25 Sutras of Swami Yogiraj Nanak
English Version
1. Om - Glow of Awareness
2. Om - Taste of Peace
3. Om - Dawn of Truth
4. Om - Knowledge of Self
5. Om - Probing of Sorrow
6. Om - Fearlessness of Death
7. Om - Flow of Love
8. Om - Foundation of Faith
9. Om - Vow of Surrender
10. Om - Discarding of Indulged Desires
11. Om - Dissolving of Unfulfilled Desires
12. Om - Warmth of Generosity
13. Om - Full Stop of Arrogance
14. Om - Invocation of Truth
15. Om - Radiance of Immortality
16. Om - Science of Mortality
17. Om - Boon of Good Health
18. Om - Beauty of Wisdom
19. Om - Nectar of Divinity
20. Om - Consciousness of The Fullness
21. Om - Bliss of Timelessness
22. Om - Union with the Supreme Incomparable
23. Om - Effort of Effortlessness
24. Om - Grace of the Supreme Consciousness
25. Om - Ignorance of Knowledge
Wishing you a healthy, blessed, integrated month culminating in a life filled with sadhana 24/7, flowing out of these invaluable teachings and practices.
for questions or inquiries:
or What's App Diksha +1612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
March 2024
Special Premiere March 1st
on the Mahasamadhi Day
of our Beloved Swami Yogiraj Nanak
Please click on link below
October 2023
सर्वश्रुतिशिरोरत्नसमुद्भासितमूर्तये ।
वेदान्ताम्बूजसूर्याय तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥६॥
Vedanta-ambuja-suryaaya Tasmai Shri-Gurave Namaha
"Salutations to the Guru whose form is radiant with the crest - jewel of all the Vedas and Upanishads, and who is the Sun that causes the lotus of Vedanta to blossom"
Guru Stotram (verse 6)
We have been gifted the Art and Science of Yoga Sadhana by our beloved Gurudev Swami Yogiraj Nanak Ji Maharaj.
His 96th Jayanthi, His Birthday, is on October 8th.
Swamiji clearly delineated the teachings echoed in all the sacred Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma: the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Geeta and numerous other texts, making it easy for us to grasp their essence if we are true seekers and sincerely committed to living in the Truth.
Swamiji Always reminded us to dwell within our Sacred heart, the abode of the Self, and Not to be hypnotized, dwelling in the emotional heart which is filled with impurities, attachments and illusions.
We will hold a special Satsang online to celebrate Swamiji’s birthday to stay inspired and committed to His teachings and be worthy to experience His abundant grace 24/7.
Please contact us for a Zoom link wherever
in world you may be.
for further questions or inquiries:
or, What’s app Diksha +1 612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
September 2023
Navaratri: Celebration of Devi, Cosmic Energy
Sunday, Oct 15 through Tuesday, Oct 24th
Navaratri Sadhana:
Special Bij mantra chants
invoking the Divine Mother of the Universe:
Shri Durgā Mata
The nine days and nights of Navarātri are considered an important time for physical, mental, and spiritual purification and transformation. Cosmic energy is personified and invoked here as Devī or Durgā, Mother of the universe, vanquishing in battle all the demons or forces of darkness and ignorance.
Tuesday, October 24, is Vijayā Dashamī, the “Day of Victory” and Conclusion of Navarātri.
Daily Puja, Meditation with chanting of the Devi Mahatmyam
Contact us for details at
or call +1 612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
सर्वश्रुतिशिरोरत्नसमुद्भासितमूर्तये ।
वेदान्ताम्बूजसूर्याय तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥६॥
Vedanta-ambuja-suryaaya Tasmai Shri-Gurave Namaha
"Salutations to the Guru whose form is radiant with the crest - jewel of all the Vedas and Upanishads, and who is the Sun that causes the lotus of Vedanta to blossom"
Guru Stotram (verse 6)
We have been gifted the Art and Science of Yoga Sadhana by our beloved
Guruji Swami Yogiraj Nanak Ji Maharaj.
His Jayanthi, His Birthday, is upcoming on October 8th.
Swamiji clearly delineated the teachings echoed in all the sacred Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma: the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Geeta and numerous other texts, making it easy for us to grasp their essence if we are true seekers and sincerely committed to living in the Truth.
Swamiji Always reminded us to dwell within our Sacred heart, the abode of the Self, and Not to be hypnotized, dwelling in the emotional heart which is filled with impurities, attachments and illusions.
We will hold a special Satsang online to celebrate Swamiji’s birthday to stay inspired and committed to His teachings and be worthy to experience His abundant grace 24/7.
Please contact us for a Zoom link wherever
in world you may be.
for further questions or inquiries:
or, What’s app Diksha +1 612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
September 2023
We would like to wish everyone a
Happy Krishna Janmashtami
Our Gurudev Swami Yogiraj was an embodiment of the essence of the Bhagavad Gita.
He wanted us to live it by study and reflection for our transformation in all aspects of life.
We highly recommend Geeta Pariwar for study of the Gita. Please check it out.
Classes are only 40 minutes per day 5 days a week
Jai Shri Krishna!
July 2023
Monthly Vedantic Meditation
Thursday, July 27th 5pm
on Shri Dakshinamurti Stotram
for further details / info please contact Diksha:
or call : +1 612-232-2604
Blessings and Love
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
Jai Gurudev!
Guru Purnima Celebration
Monday, July 3rd 2pm
program includes:
Chanting of Guru Stotram
A Special Satsang on the Guru Tattwa, the Divine priniciple we offer our devotion and reverence to as we seek to transform ourselves
Closing Aarati
Sharings and Prasad
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
June 2023
1. An introduction to Vedantic Sadhana,
Dehypnotic Meditation
a special talk with guidance by
Swami Anubhuvanandaji Maharaj
Understanding Life through Meditation #1
2. Guided Japa Sadhana for daily practice
and ongoing committment
May 2023
Buddha Purnima
The Birthday of Gotama Buddha
May 5th 7:30 - 8:45 pm
The Main Guest: Hakuei Yamaguchi (Soutou-Zen)
(The Minister of Furou-Zan Nounin-ji Temple)
Part 1
7:30 Opening Chanting(From Hollywood Temple)
“Prajna-Paramita-Hrdaya-Sutram” (By Hakuei Yamaguchi & others)
Slide Show: “The Life of Gotama Buddha” (Till Departure)
The Life of Buddha: Based on the book,
“Gotama Buddha” by Hajime Nakamura
”The Life of Shakyamuni” by Hidetomo Kanaoka
Part 2
8:05 Buddhist Chanting (By Hakuei Yamaguchi & others)
8:10 Q & A “How to practice the Teachings
of Swami Vivekananda in Buddhism 2”
8:45 Flower Offerings & Bathing Baby Buddha
By Vedanta Society of Southern California
Photo: Kamakura Daibutsu, Great Buddha at Kamakura
Swami Anubhavananda Live Satsangs
Topic: Relax and be Happy
Lecture on Saturday, May 6th, 3:30PM EDT
Location: Arunachala Ashrama, Queens, NY
Address: 86-06 Edgerton Boulevard, Jamaica NY 11432
Topic: Undoing Life
Sunday, May 7th 11:30-12:30PM EDT
Location: Vedanta Society of NY
34 West 71st St. NY, NY
for further details / info please contact Diksha:
or call : +1 612-232-2604
Blessings and Love
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
April 2023
449th Baba Sant Maluk Das Jayanthi
April 11- 2023
"Whosoever comes to me, to be with me, will never be disappointed"
Baba Maluk Das
Baba Sant Maluk Das Jayanthi month will conclude with a
Sadhana Retreat
Friday April 28 - Sunday April 30th
(in person and online)
( for details and reservations contact Diksha )
Retreat Schedule:
* Friday, April 28th
introduction and welcome
6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
( 3:30 a.m. IST Sat April 29th )
* Saturday, April 29th
7 a.m. Vedantic Meditation
(4:30 p.m. IST)
9:30 a.m. retreat session #1
(7:00 p.m. IST)
11:30 a.m. retreat session #2
(9 p.m. IST)
3 p.m. retreat session # 3
(12:30 a.m. IST on April 30th )
* Sunday, April 30th
7 a.m. Vedantic Meditation
(4:30 p.m. IST)
9:30 a.m. retreat Session # 4
(7 p.m. IST)
11:30 a.m. retreat Session # 5
(9 p.m. IST)
12:30 p.m.
reflections and sharings
*please confirm your participation respectfully in advance
for further info. contact
(+1 ) 612 232 2604
what’s app, telegram app , text
Thank you
Jai Shri Gurubhyo Namaha
Om Hari Om
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
March 2023
March 1- Guruji’s Mahasamadhi Day
Swami Yogiraj Nanak ji Maharaj
On this occasion, we share a Special Guru Stotram: Hymn in Praise of the Guru along with Maluk Das Invocation
recorded at Yogavani Temple
श्री गुरुस्तोत्रम् Guru Stotram & Maluk Das Invocation
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ki!
Akanda Sadhana at Yogavani Temple
starting Tuesday 6 PM EDT
Puja, Special chants, Arati,
Guru Stotram,
Vedantic Sadhana,
the essence and foundation of Guruji’s Asammohan - Dehypnotic Dhyan Sadhna based on: Shravana-hearing His truth, Manana contemplation on this truth, Nididhyasana - breathing this truth
for further details / info please contact Diksha:
or call : +1 612-232-2604
Blessings and Love
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
February 2023
Maha Shivaratri, Celebration of Lord Shiva
Sat. Feb 18th 5PM
Pujas, Shiva chants, Guided Meditations on the 8 aspects of Shiva,
Study and reflection on the Shiva Sutras
Om Namah Shivaya!
January 2023
Sankalp Dhyan Sadhana with Swami Yogiraj Nanak - New Years Day Premiere
Viewing on January 1st 10 AM EDT / 8:30PM IST
December 2022
Gita Jayanti
Saturday, Dec. 3rd
5159th Anniversary of the Srimad Bagavad Gita
Gita Jayanti is the auspicious day of the advent of Srimad Bhagavad-gita. This is the day on which Lord Krishna imparted the essence of Vedic knowledge to Arjuna over 5000 years ago and enlightened him about the ultimate goal of life.
As stated in the Gita-mahatmya, if one properly follows the instructions of Bhagavad-gita, one can be freed from all miseries and anxieties in this life, and one’s next life will be spiritual.
Bhagavad-gita literally means the song of the Supreme Lord. It is the most widely known Vedic literature in the world.
The Bhagavad Gita is the essence of Vedic wisdom given by Lord Sri Krishna. His message holds the key to ending all of life’s misgivings and the secret to a life of happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment and self-discovery.
Livestream Gita Jayanti Puja
November 2022
Prakash Kapoor 'Didi' Shmriti Divas
November 5th
This month we honor Prakash Kapoor 'Didi' whose Maha Samadhi Day is on Nov 5th. Swamiji Himself wept for days when her physical presence left His ashram in Delhi..
This was a lesson from the Divine to All of us, His disciples and ashramites to witness that a Saint is a complete human being with qualities and All emotions and sentiments yet ever free and detached.
Unlike ordinary mortals who cry and mourn for days, even years on end at the death of a family member, be it their parent or child or other, totally ignorant of their own Divine nature and means to attain Oneness with the Guru within.
We Celebrate this Day, honoring All the Saints and Sages who give us the teachings of Yoga and Vedanta.
Prakash Didi among them, served Her Gurudev unconditionally.
We dedicate this Guru Ashtakam to Didi who exemplified the essence these 8 verses. Let us reflect on them, memorize them fully and make this part of our Monthly sadhana.
śarīram surūpam tathā vā kalatraḿ
yaśaścāru citram dhanam merutulyam
gurorańghripadme ḿanaścenna lagnaḿ
tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ
1-Translation : One’s physique may be superb, one’s consort likewise, one’s reputation resplendent and renowned, and one’s riches as high as Mount Meru; yet if one’s mind be not centered upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then?
kalatraḿ dhanaḿ putrapoutrādi sarvaḿ
gṛhaḿ bāndhavāḥ sarvametaddhi jātam
gurorańghripadme ḿanaścenna lagnaḿ
tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ
2-Translation: Wife, wealth, sons, grandsons and all such; home and kindred; all these things maybe there; yet if one’s mind be not centered upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then?
ṣaḍańgādivedo mukhe śastravidyā
kavitcādi gadyaḿ supadyaḿ karoti
gurorańghripadme ḿanaścenna lagnaḿ
tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ
3-Translation: The Vedas with their six limbs and the knowledge of all sciences may be on one’s lips; one may possess the poetic gift and may compose fine prose and poetry; yet if one’s mind be not centered upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then?
videśeṣu mānyaḥ svadeśeṣu dhanyaḥ
sadācāravṛtteṣu matto na cānyaḥ
gurorańghripadme ḿanaścenna lagnaḿ
tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ
4-Translation : “I am honoured in other lands and I am prosperous in my homeland; in the paths of righteous conduct there is none who surpasses me”, thus one may think; yet if one’s mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then?
kṣamāmaṇḍale bhūpabhūpālavṛndaiḥ
sadā sevitaḿ yasya pādāravindam
gurorańghripadme ḿanaścenna lagnaḿ
tataḥ kim tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ
5-Translation : One may be constantly extolled and one’s presence highly honored by hosts of emperors and rulers of this world; yet if one’s mind be not centered upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then?
yaśo me gataḿ dikṣu dānaptratāpāj-
jagadvastu sarvaḿ kare yatprasādāt
gurorańghripadme ḿanaścenna lagnaḿ
tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ
6-Translation : “My repute has traveled in all directions through my philanthropy and prowess; all the things of this world are in my hands as rewards for my virtues”, yet if one’s mind be not centered upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then?
na bhoge na yoge na vā vājirājau
na kāntāmukhe naiva vitteṣu cittam
gurorańghripadme ḿanaścenna lagnaḿ
tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ
7-Translation : The mind may have turned away from external delights through dispassion and from attainments like Yoga and meditation, possessions like horses and the like, the enchanting face of the beloved, in short, the entire wealth of the earth; yet if one’s mind be not centered upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then?
araṇye na vā svasya gehe na kārye
na dehe mano vartate me tvanarghye
gurorańghripadme ḿanaścenna lagnaḿ
tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ tataḥ kiḿ
8-Translation : The mind may have lost its charm to live in forests, and likewise in the house; may have lost all desire to achieve whatever; even the concern for the body’s welfare may have been outlived; yet if one’s mind be not centered upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then?
Om Shanti Shanti Shantih
Om Peace Peace Peace
October 2022
On the occasion of the 95th Jayanthi of our Beloved
Guruji Swami Yogiraj Nanak Chand
a gift for us all -
Aarati Shri Yogiraj - Nanak Sadguru Ki
an Aarati transmitted from Him to Diksha, of Yogavani Mission
Sanscrit Transliteration:
Aarati Shri Yogiraj - Nanak Sadguru Ki
Divya rupa - murati karuna ki
Aarati Sadguru Ki
Charanom mem unake shanti samae
Sharona-gata ki branti mitae
Papa tapa santapa harana ki
Aarati Shri Yogiraj-Nanak Sadguru ki
Aarati Sadguru ki
Veda, Upanishad, Gita ko gaya
Dharma Sanatana phira se jagaya
Sudha niti priti Shankara ki
Aarati Shri Yogiraj Nanak Sadguru ki
Aarati Sadguru Ki
Kada-Kaushambi ki Tapo bhumi mem
Nitya birage – Guru hamare
Bhakta hrdaya ananda srota ki
Aarati Shri Yogiraj Nanak Sadguru ki
Aarati Sadguru ki
Sadguru Nath Maharaj ki -Jai!
Aarati expounded in English:
Aarati Shri Yogiraj Nanak Sadguru Ki
with Humility and Gratitude, we offer our Prayers to Thee
Whom divinity and compassion personify
Your Lotus Feet, the Abode of Peace
Removes All delusions - false impressions, misconceptions
In those who unconditionally surrender to Thee -
You sweep away all sins, sorrows and anxieties
In those who unconditionally surrender to Thee
Aarati Shri Yogiraj Nanak Sadguru Ki
You've sang and expounded on the essence of Vedas,
Upanishads, and Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta,
You’ve rekindled the Light of the righteous path of Sanatana Dharm'
and demystified the Oneness of the Non dual Self
as exemplified in Shankara's Advaita Vedanta
Aarati Shri Yogiraj - Nanak Sadguru Ki
Our revered Gurudev, residing eternally, merged in the Abode of
Baba Sant Maluk Das Ji
At the Tapobhumi, land of your austerities,
at Kaushambi, Kada, you’ve attained Perfection of the Self.
Sat Chit Ananda is your ever Self
Soham, Soham
residing in the hearts of your devotees
Aarati Shri Yogiraj - Nanak Sadguru Ki
Jai Shri Sadguru Maharaj Ki
September 2022
Chamundaye Nada Sadhana
चामुण्डाये काली मा
"chāmuṇḍāye kālī mā”
chāmuṇḍāye: the name for Kali as the killer of the demon Chamunda.
Join us as we Invoke Her essence.
Chant Daily at least 108 times for Spiritual purification and transformation
Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Vichche Namaha
For your convenience a second link has been added below for continuity of
Chamundaye sadhana 108 repetitions.
(track should be played a total of 4x)
Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Vichche Namaha
of all the forms of Devi, Chamundaye is the most compassionate One.
She provides moksha or liberation to Her children. She is black like the night, and is the Goddess of time, death, and change.
She is the counterpart of Lord Shiva, the destroyer.
They are the Destroyers of Maya or Unreality.
Know that it is the ego that sees Mother Kali and trembles with fear.
Why ?.. because the ego, your ego, sees in Her its own eventual demise.
The nine days and nights of Navarātri are considered most important time for physical, mental and spiritual purification and transformation. Cosmic energy is personified and invoked as Devī or Durgā, Mother of the Universe, fiercely vanquishing in battle the demons representing the forces of darkness and ignorance within and without.
for our reflection:
"On the way to God the difficulties
feel like being ground by a millstone,
like night coming at noon, like
lightening throughout the clouds.
But don't worry!
What must come, comes.
face everything with love,
as your mind dissolves in God."
~ Lalla
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ki.
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
if you need any clarification(s) or have a question
please contact us at
or text / call +1 612 232 2604
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
August 2022
Nada/Jyana Sadhana
two opportunities to deepen our connection, reflection and meditation
1-Special sacred Mantra
recorded live at Yogavanimission(2019)
2- The 25 Sutras of Swami Yogiraj Nanak
Revelatory and Aphoristic Sayings for
Self - Transformation
recorded by Swamiji for Yogavanimission
25 Sutras of Yogiraj in English
25 Sutras of Yogiraj in Hindi
Hindi Transliteration to help us understand more deeply and follow along:
Aum... Hosh Ka Prakash Chahiyé Aum... Glow of Awareness
Aum... Shanti Ka Swad Chahiyé Aum...Taste of Peace
Aum... Satya Ka Uday Chahiyé Aum... Dawn of Truth
Aum... Swayam Ka Bodh Chahiyé Aum... Knowledge of Self
Aum... Dukh Ka Shodh Chahiyé Aum... Probing of Sorrow
Aum... Mrityu Ka Abhay Chahiyé Aum... Fearlessness of Death
Aum... Prem Ka Bhav Chahiyé Aum... Flow of Love
Aum... Shraddha Ka Adhar Chahiyé Aum... Foundation of Faith
Aum... Samarpan Ka Sankalp Chahiyé Aum... Vow of Surrender
Aum... Bhukt Ichchaun Ka Vismaran Aum... Discarding of Indulged
Chahiyé Desires
Aum... Abhukt Ichchaun Ka Visarjan Aum... Dissolving of Unfulfilled
Chahiyé Desires
Aum... Hirdayasheelta Ka Chahiyé Aum... Warmth of Generosity
Aum... Abhiman Ka Viram Chahiyé Aum... Full Stop of Arrogance
Aum... Satya Ka Sambodhan Chahiyé Aum... Invocation of Truth
Aum... Chinmay Ka Tej Chahiyé Aum... Radiance of Immortality
Aum... Mrinmay Ka Vigyan Chahiyé Aum... Science of Mortality
Aum... Swasthy a Ka Vardan Chahiyé Aum... Boon of Good Health
Aum... Vivek Ka Saundarya Chahiyé Aum... Beauty of Wisdom
Aum... Amrit Ka Ras Chahiyé Aum... Nectar of Divinity
Aum... Purnta Ka Chaitanya Chahiyé Aum... Consciousness of The Fullness
Aum... Kal Unpekshit Anand Chahiyé Aum... Bliss of Timelessness
Aum... Anupam Ka Ekatva Chahiyé Aum... Union with the Supreme Incomparable
Aum... Aprayatn Ka Prayatn Chahiyé Aum... Effort of Effortlessness
Aum... Param Ka Prasad Chahiyé Aum... Grace of the Supreme Consciousness
Aum... Gyan Ka Agyan Chahiyé Aum... Ignorance of Knowledge
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
July 2022
In Honor of Guru Purnima, we are posting two special opportunities for Meditation, Reflection, and Transformation.
1. Special Nada Meditation by our Beloved Guruji we recorded during our Meditation Retreat with Him at the Delhi Ashram in 2001
The Shiva Sankalpa Sukta is an auspicious six-verse hymn from the Rig Veda that entreats the mind to dwell on the auspicious will of the Divine and helps us cultivate conscious resolve in alignment with our dharma.
Below is the translation in brief followed by the Sanscrit verses transliterated
(Note the Refrain after each verse and chant along in both English and Sanskrit) :
"May my mind rest in That, intent on the highest good"
"Tanme manah SivaSankalpa"
1-That divine intelligence, the one far shining light of lights, ranges far in waking and goes the same way in sleep May my mind rest in That, intent on the highest good
2-That which empowers the keepers of holy traditions, when they gather to perform sacred acts That causal spirit in all beings May my mind rest in That, intent on the highest good
3-That knowledge, memory and will; That immortal light within all creatures, without which no action can be done May my mind rest in That, intent on the highest good
4-That eternity which contains all this – the world, the past, the future; That through which the sacrifice by seven priests unfolds May my mind rest in That, intent on the highest good
5-That in which the ṛk sāma and yajur vedas are fixed like spokes in the hub of a wheel; That on which the heart the mind, the memory of all beings are woven May my mind rest in That, intent on the highest good
6-Just as a skilled charioteer controls his steeds with reins, so impetuous man is governed by That which dwells in the heart, agile and swiftest of all May my mind rest in That, intent on the highest good.
Tanme manah SivaSankalpa
Guru Purnima is a reminder that are we are Not the body level, Not the mind level, and the time to ask ourselves honestly and to reflect deeply whether we are changing ourself properly so that body, mind and spiritual practice is perfectly balanced. We must also ask ourselves if we are truly willing to change or Not?
This is the opt and crucial time to be honest with ourselves, to be sincere, and commit to reflect, introspect and come together in Satsangha
Blessings and Love to All seekers of Truth on Guru Purnima 2022
With Much Love and Gratitude to our Gurus and God, and teachers who inspire and help us wake up and resolve to path of Sadhana and thus live in peace and harmony, a righteous, dharmic life.
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ki. Jai!
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
May 2022
Buddha Purnima
May 16th
Special Buddha Purnima Celebration Recording
(“The Jewel is in the Lotus “)
Essence of Mantra is a revelation
April 2022
Maluk Das Jayanthi
Thursday, April 21-2022
April 21st is Maluk Das Jayanthi this year, celebrating His birthdate. This is a most auspicious time to connect, introspect, and meditate on the divine.
Here is a special recording, recorded at Yogavani Mission in NYC. It features a special Maluk Das message by our Guruji Yogiraj Nanak, the Mahant Ghaddhi of Baba Sant Maluk Das along with our Celebration and Guided Meditation.
Sponsored by Diksha and Harish Joshi
1. Invocation
2. Hari Om responsive chant
3. Om Vande Maluk Das Aryam chant
(Extended Silent Meditation)
4. Om Ram Nada guided Meditation
5. Closing Chants
Concluding Inspiration teaching and insights by Harishji
Join us at Yogavani Ashrama starting Wed. April 20th 4pm for our
Akhanda Sadhana program honoring our Glorious Guru and Guru Parampara
Arati , Chants and Vedic Mantras
"Om Vande Maluk invocations” to Maluk Das as gifted to us
by our beloved Swamiji Yogiraj Nanakji
Chanting of the 54 Garland Invocations to our Gurudev
Guided Meditation
Sharings and Prasad
This program will continue through 24 hours ( Akhanda Sadhana )
February 2022 - March Monthly Sadhana
Chanting or writing mantras repetitively, daily, helps you focus and concentrate better and drives away negative distractions from the mind and greatly helps mind stay calm and balanced. It eliminates negative thoughts and helps bring down anxiety.
There are 4 different forms of mantra practices:
Vaikhari japa – repeating the mantra aloud
Upansu japa – whispering the mantra
Manasika Japa – repeating the mantra inwardly as a Guru Mantra
Likhita japa – writing the mantra, while simultaneously repeating
Now follow these steps and experience miraculous inner poise, love and devotion blossom by each passing day and flow of grace from Guru and God
Instructions for this Special Sadhana
Preceding this practice, listen to the Hindi version (as it was revealed to Yogiraj) while following the transliteration or Hindi text.
(link to Swamiji's Hindi Recording on Soundcloud)
Likewise listen to the English version.
(link to Swamiji's English Recording on Soundcloud)
1. Take your New sacred special book or journal that you will dedicate to this practice and keep at your Puja.
2. Spend a few moments of quiet before you begin and remain in this space of quiet throughout this time
3. Visualize your Guru or preferred idol of worship and physically, mentally pronom, honor by bowing down.
4. Start with the first 5 Sutras of Yogiraj writing the Transliterated or original Hindi followed by English.
5. Write three times each as above slowly, repeating followed by three times in English
6. Focus on every word that you write and let go of your thoughts. Be with the process.
7. Repeat each Sutra mantra vocally and then imprinting mentally while writing it in the notebook.
8. When Likhita sadhana part is completed, remain sitting quietly, reflecting on each of these sutras.
9. Now Write down your reflections and Review daily at bedtime
The 25 Sutras of Swami Yogiraj Nanak
Revelatory and Aphoristic Sayings for
Self - Transformation
Transliteration Translation
Aum... Hosh Ka Prakash Chahiyé Aum... Glow of Awareness
Aum... Shanti Ka Swad Chahiyé Aum...Taste of Peace
Aum... Satya Ka Uday Chahiyé Aum... Dawn of Truth
Aum... Swayam Ka Bodh Chahiyé Aum... Knowledge of Self
Aum... Dukh Ka Shodh Chahiyé Aum... Probing of Sorrow
Aum... Mrityu Ka Abhay Chahiyé Aum... Fearlessness of Death
Aum... Prem Ka Bhav Chahiyé Aum... Flow of Love
Aum... Shraddha Ka Adhar Chahiyé Aum... Foundation of Faith
Aum... Samarpan Ka Sankalp Chahiyé Aum... Vow of Surrender
Aum... Bhukt Ichchaun Ka Vismaran Aum... Discarding of Indulged
Chahiyé Desires
Aum... Abhukt Ichchaun Ka Visarjan Aum... Dissolving of Unfulfilled
Chahiyé Desires
Aum... Hirdayasheelta Ka Sambal Aum... Warmth of Generosity
Aum... Abhiman Ka Viram Chahiyé Aum... Full Stop of Arrrogance
Aum... Satya Ka Sambodhan Chahiyé Aum... Invocation of Truth
Aum... Chinmay Ka Tej Chahiyé Aum... Radiance of Immortality
Aum... Mrinmay Ka Vigyan Chahiyé Aum... Science of Mortality
Aum... Swasthy a Ka Vardan Chahiyé Aum... Boon of Good Health
Aum... Vivek Ka Saundarya Chahiyé Aum... Beauty of Wisdom
Aum... Amrit Ka Ras Chahiyé Aum... Nectar of Divinity
Aum... Purnta Ka Chaitanya Chahiyé Aum... Consciousness of The Fullness
Aum... Kal Unpekshit Anand Chahiyé Aum... Bliss of Timelessness
Aum... Anupam Ka Ekatva Chahiyé Aum... Union with the Supreme Incomparable
Aum... Aprayatn Ka Prayatn Chahiyé Aum... Effort of Effortlessness
Aum... Param Ka Prasad Chahiyé Aum... Grace of the Supreme Consciousness
Aum... Gyan Ka Agyan Chahiyé Aum... Ignorance of Knowledge
January ’22 Message and Sadhana
A Blessed New Year to All our friends and fellow seekers.
May our inspiration grow and expand each day through our devoted daily Sadhana and the study of the scriptures as delineated by our Gurus. May this lead us to open our hearts and minds and to fully expand our consciousness and embrace the entire Universe and All life.
May we be blessed to see and experience everyone as an expansion of our own little self into The essential Divine Self we truly are.
There is a saying that those who have a “mouse' heart”, a “rat’s mind ” and only limit themselves to “my child, my family, my possessions, my wealth, etc.”, those individuals only hurt and bring ruin onto themselves and all those they are attached to. Through their own ignorance and limitations they miss the very purpose that God and the Universe provided to them in this human birth the opportunity to attain to the Highest evolutionary ladder possible as humans beings, that’s towards attaining Self Realization, Nirvana, Enlightenment.
So starting Here and Now let us All Expand - Expand - Expand
Live a Divine, truly religious Life.
"When you are filled with despair and the whole world appears to hurl insults upon you, walk quietly into the shelter of dhyana. The solution will emerge instantly."
Swami Yogiraj Nanak
With Much Love and Gratitude to our Gurus and God, and teachers who inspire and help us wake up and resolve to path of Sadhana and thus live in peace and harmony, a righteous, dharmic life.
Here is a special Chanting Meditation with our beloved
Guruji Swamiji Yogiraj Nanak:
Om Ananda Mei, Om Shanti Mei, Om Joytir Mei
Voice of Guruji
Listen, Meditate, and absorb the Grace flowing through and from Him
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ki. Jai!
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
Om Hari Om
December 2021
Blessings to All our friends and dear Seekers this Holiday Season in the Spirit of Yoga and Christmas and as we enter the New Year 2022.
May this Season Inspire and rekindle our Consciousness to expand our hearts and minds and to embrace the entire Universe and All beings. May we be blessed to see and experience everyone as an expansion of our own little self into The essential divine Self who we truly are.
With Much Love and Gratitude to our Gurus and God, and teachers who inspire and help us wake up to live a righteous, dharmic life
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ki. Jai!
Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi
November 2021
Thanksgiving Satsang, Celebration
Thursday Nov 25th 5PM
Special Prayers for our sentient friends, the Turkeys who get slaughtered en masse for this traditional Annual All American dinner (by far too many ignorant Americans!)
Gratitude Meditation
Invocations to the Guru and His Padukas
Recording of a Satsang by our Gurudev Swamiji Yogiraj (in English)
Closing Prayers and Sharings
Vegan Dinner/Prasad
Diwali Meditation/Celebration
Thursday Nov 4th
Diwali Puja 6 PM
Vedantic Meditation 6:30 PM
Sharing and Prasad 7:45PM
Invoking the Eternal presence of
Shrimati Prakash Kapoor "Prakash Didi"
Friday Nov 5th
In reverence of the foremost disciple of Swami Yogiraj Nanak,
Shrimati Prakash Didi we share her life in celebration
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Om Peace, Peace, Peace
October 2021
Swami Yogiraj Nanak Jayanthi
October 8th
On this auspicious occasion we share the
voice of Guruji chanting
Om Ananda Mei, Om Shanti Mei, Om Joytir Mei
Listen, Meditate, and absorb the Grace flowing through and from Him
October 7th - October 16th (Vijayadashami)
recorded live in satsang October 8th 2021
Navaratri and Guru Jayanthi stotram
Invocation to Devi Mahatmyam
first 3 verses with English translation
As instructed by Guruji
* Invoking the Grace of Guru, Baba Maluk Das by repeating following Mantra:
Om Vande Maluk Das Aryam
Dvara Charyam Jagat Gurum
Essence of the Mantra:
I pranom, invoke the Blessings of Maluk Das, (Aryam) the protector
who opens the Path to the All pervading Consciousness
Om Love, Peace, and Joy to All!
Yogavani Mission
September 2021
Two part meditation:
1. Ganesh Chaturthi: Celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha - the remover of obstacles. Friday, September 10th and concludes Sunday, September 19th.
Chant this invocation:
ॐ गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे
कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम् ।
ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणाम् ब्रह्मणस्पत
आ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिःसीदसादनम् ॥
Om Gannaanaam Tvaa Ganna-Patim Hava-Amahe
Kavim Kaviinaam-Upama-Shravas-Tamam |
Jyessttha-Raajam Brahmannaam Brahmannas-Pata
Aa Nah Shrnnvan-Nuutibhih-Siida-Saadanam ||
Om Mahaa-Ganna-Adhipataye Namah ||
"OM Gam Ganapataye Namaha"
Repeat 9, 27, 54, or 108 times to receive full connection.
(Reverence to Lord Ganapati, Shri Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles and the bringer of joy and happiness)
2. Now invoking the Grace of Guru, Baba Maluk Das by repeating following Mantra:
Om Vande Maluk Das Aryam
Dvara Charyam Jagat Gurum
Essence of the Mantra:
I pranom, invoke the Blessings of Maluk Das, (Aryam) the protector
who opens the Path to the All pervading Consciousness
August 2021
A Birthday Celebration
Sunday, Aug 8th 4:30PM
Joyful reunion with Puja, Arati, flower offerings,
favorite Meditations, Chants, Prayers
Sharings, Prasad
Om Shri Sarvatmane Namaha!
Jai Gurudev!
Om Prem Mei
Om Shanti Mei
Om Joytir Mei
Om Love, Peace, and Joy to All!
Guru Poornima Sadhana
Guru Purnima, the most auspicious day of the year, is celebrated this month on July 24th. It is a time when we connect with and celebrate the Guru, otherwise known as or Spiritual teacher. In honor of this Guru Purnima month, we share a special recording and practice as recited by our Beloved Gurudev Swami Yogiraj from a 2005 New Year Blessing, a transmission by Guruji, conducting a Nad Affirmation Meditation.
Please note that this program is in Hindi.
*Please note instructions below:
Swamiji’s responsive Chanting begins at 2 minutes, following His brief description suggesting everyone relax the body and mind.
The most important point He makes is to tune ones emotions and invoke from one’s consciousness the meaning of these led invocations. To bathe in the deep love and devotion which flows from this practice.
He concludes this at 13:30 minutes
Before Swamiji concludes, He reminds devotees to experience the transformation of the entire body and mind. To feel the permeating, resonating Shakti and the Light (Prakash) flowing from these chants. Further he points to All the pores in body and neurons in brain tingling with Shakti and Prakash.
Suggestion: Do this Daily, Memorize fully both, the Mantras and their Translations, as Swamiji leads in this Special recording.
Yes, we are very Blessed indeed!
1- Om Prathna mei
2-Om Sneha mei
3- Om Karuna mei
4-OmPrem mei
5-Om Shantih mei
6-Om Ananda mei
7-Om Sheetalta mei
8-Om Nad mei
9-Om Bindu mei
10-Om Jyotir mei
11-Om Guru mei
12-Om Brahma mei
1. Om... May This One (referring to the individual I), be
Prayerful. May This life be filled with prayers
2. Om... May This
One (individual I) be affectionate, devoted. May This life be filled with
affection and Devotion
3. Om... May This One. Compassionate. May This life
be filled with Compassion
4. Om… May This One be Loving, May This life be filled with
Divine love
5. Om… May This One be Peaceful, May This life be filled with, profound, everlasting Peace
6. Om… May This One be Blissful. May This life be
filled with Bliss
7. Om… May This One be Calm and Serene, May This life be
filled with coolness, calmness, and Serenity
8. Om… May This One be filled with Divine sound. May
This life be filled with Divine music of the un-struck Anahat Nadam
9. Om… May This One be centered in the Bindu. May this
life be directed to the Consciousness.of the Ajna Chakra
10. Om… May This One be filled with Light. May This life be filled with Divine Light
11. Om... May This One be filled with the Consciousness of
The Guru. May This life be filled with the Grace of the Guru
12. Om... May This
One be filled with Wholeness, Fullness of the All- pervading
Consciousness. May This life be filled with Brahman
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
Om Peace, Peace, Peace
Buddha Purnima May
26 - 2021
On this Sacred
occasion we Honor Lord Buddha as our Guru through chanting together as Sangha and
Introspecting His teachings and Wisdom.
Dear Friends and
Let us All chant together as Sangha the 3
Buddha chants below.
Listen and chant
these chants as recorded and in your own practice repeat each 108 times
Salutations and Prostrations to Lord Buddha
For any questions and/or clarification on this practice, you are welcome to email Diksha
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Om Peace Peace Peace
Maluk Das Jayanthi
May 1st is Maluk Das Jayanthi, a celebration of the birthdate of our Guru's Guru Baba Sant Maluk Das. It is a most auspicious time for meditation and introspection. Here is a special recording from 2010, recorded at Yogavani Mission in NYC. It features a special Maluk Das message by our Guru Yogiraj Nanak, Celebration and Guided Meditation.
Sponsored by Diksha and Harish Joshi
1. Invocation
2. Hari Om responsive chant
3. Om Vande Maluk Das Aryam chant
(Extended Silent Meditation)
4. Om Ram Nada guided Meditation
5. Closing Chants
Concluding Inspiration teaching and insights by Harishji
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Om Peace Peace Peace
April 2021
Devi Meditation on the occasion of Vasanta (Spring) Navarati
This month we celebrate Vasanta Navaratri. It starts on Tuesday, April 13th and culminates with the celebration of Ram Navami on Wednesday, April 21st. The Soundcloud link below is the recording of a special meditation which we held on Thursday, April 15th which includes special chants and invocations to the Devi.
Om Devi Om
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Om Peace Peace Peace
March 2021
March 1st is the Samadhi Diwas of our Beloved Guruji Swami Yogiraj Nank Chand. See our Monthly News for His message on Divine Love.
We have recorded a special dedication/meditation to our Guruji below to help us connect with the Divine at this time. Please note the outline of the recording as below for your reference and enjoy.
an outline of the above practice is as follows:
1. GURU STOTRAM - Hymn in Praise of the Guru
Meditation pause
(Chant 27 times)
Meditation pause (3 minutes)
3. Closing Slokas (verses)
Om Guru Om
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Om Peace Peace Peace
February 2021
Anahat Poornam Nada Sadhana Practice
(Fullness of the Heart Nada Meditation)
Invocations used in this Practice
Opening Slokas
1. Brahmaa Nandham Parama Sugatam
Kevalam Jnaana Moortim
Dhwandhwaa Teetam Ghagana Sadhrusam
Tatwamasyaadhi Lakshyam
Ekam Nityam Vimalam Achalam
Sarvadhee Sakshi Bhoodam
Bhaavaa Teetam Triguna Rahitam
Satgurum Tam Namaami
The Greatest Bliss, the Highest Joy
Embodiment of Wisdom Absolute
Non-Dual, Boundless Like the Sky
He is the Goal of "Thou art That"
One Eternal, Pure, and Still
Witness of the Whole Universe
Beyond Mind's Grasp, of Gunas free
To That Guru may my Worship be
2. Om Namah Shivaaya Gurave
Satchidaananda Moortaye
Nish Prapanjaaya Shaantaaya
Niraa Lambaaya Tejase
The Guru is Auspiciousness
Embodiment of Truth, Knowledge, Bliss
Salutations to Him who is Beyond the world
Peaceful, Independent, and Radiant
Closing Sloka
Om Poornamadhah Poornamidham
Poornaat Poornam Udhachyate
Poornasya Poornamaadhaaya
Poornameva Avashishyate
Om Shaanthi Shaanthi Shaanthi
That is full, this also is full,
This Fullness came from that fullness.
Though this Fullness came from that Fullness
That Fullness remains forever Full.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace
For any questions and/or clarifications on this particular practice you are welcome to email Diksha
A simple practice for our overall well being and connection to the Divine.
This mantra given by our Guru, will help us navigate these challenging times and make a deep connection within.
“Om Sarvatmane Namaha”, a universal mantra
Swamiji Yogiraj Nanak introduced.
Translated from Sanskrit means:
“I honor, bow, to All the inhabitants of this Universe. We are All One.”
This includes humans and All the living beings inhabiting this Terra Firma.
By repeating this Mantra we connect with each other and the Universal Shakti or consciousness.
How to prepare to chant this mantra?
Step #1- Inhale and Exhale slowly and deeply, at least 10 times.
Deep breathing will help us calm down
Step #2 - Remain silent for few minutes and observe the effects of deep breathing.
Step# 3 - Repeat this mantra vocally, musically, slowly, deeply and rhythmically.
Feel the vibrations of the sound current, nada, and it’s affect on feelings, thoughts and inner soul connection, changing, purifying, and transforming.
“Om Sarvatmane Namaha”
(suggestion: 54 times with a pause after each 9 recitations).
Do not rush through it.
Step #4 Chant with love and devotion. Experience the deep meaning of this mantra, feel its vibrations resonating around your Aura body.
Note: Those who have a personal Guru mantra should begin this practice by silently repeating their individual mantra. Connecting through Mantra will help heal, give us solace and help spread peace and harmony far and wide, connecting us with “that Eternal Peace that Surpasseth all understanding.”
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
Yogavani Mission
Private consultations available upon request.
Phone: +1 612 232 2604 via whats app if international call
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We are always here to help serve your Higher Self!