Monthly News

January / February 2025
Swami Yogiraj Nanak
2025 New Years Premeire
Jai Gurudev!
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanthi
December 2024
Gita Jayanthi
December 11th
ब्रह्मभूत: प्रसन्नात्मा न शोचति न काङ् क्षति |
सम: सर्वेषु भूतेषु मद्भक्तिं लभते पराम् || 54||
brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā na śhochati na kāṅkṣhati
samaḥ sarveṣhu bhūteṣhu mad-bhaktiṁ labhate parām
Ch 18, verse 54 - Bhagavad Gita
With gratitude for the Bhagavad Gita and the Guru who guides us to learn, contemplate, and embibe this Sacred text in our daily lives in service to Him.
Jai Shri Krishna
November 2024
Yogini Prakash Didi Kapoor
Smriti Diwas
Tuesday, November 5th
link to Prakash Didi's bio below:
Jai Guru Dev
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
October 2024
Oct 3 - Oct 12
Vijayadashami - Day of Victory
Sat. Oct 12th
Most festive days of worship of the Divine in form of
Devi and Guru.
Deepening our Devotion through prayers, study, inner body and mind purification as means of destroying the demons lurking within.
Grand time to deepen, enhance and be inspired to continue an ongoing practice, Sadhana.
Let’s allow the Devi and Guru to manifest in our hearts.
Jai Devi Mata
Jai Guru Dev
Swami Yogiraj Jayanthi
Tuesday, October 8th
Jayanthi Premiere on the 97th Birth Anniversary of Swami Yogiraj Nanak
kindly click below to receive your notification
Dear friends and fellow seekers,
On this Ganesh Visarjan day of Sept 17th, it is an opportune time to share the symbolism of this 10th Day of Ganesh Chaturthi and its profound and deep spiritual significance. This auspicious occasion is preceded by days of worship of Ganesha who essentially is formless, invoked in an image, a clay shape, a picture, etc, and ultimately is immersed back to its source, marking the end of Ganesh Festival and worship, symbolizing the impermanence of life. The immersion of the Idol signifies Lord Ganesha’s return to His abode, reminding devotees of the continuous cycle of life and death and that we have a chance in this very lifetime to unite with the Lord in the form of Guru, God, and any way we choose to worship.
Ganesh is known as the Lord of New beginnings, the Remover of obstacles, and is expressed in our devotion and efforts coming from our Divine nature and intelligence.
There are two other such significant occasions coming up, one is Navaratri, the celebration of the Goddess in the nine days and nights and is considered a most important time for physical, mental, and spiritual purification and transformation. Cosmic energy is personified and invoked as Devī or Durgā, Mother of the universe, vanquishing in battle all the demons or forces of darkness and ignorance. Navaratri commences on Thursday, Oct 3rd and concludes on Oct 12th the with Day of Victory, Vijay Dashimi. Our Gurudev Swamiji Yogiraj gave us specific sadhana, meditations, and ways to invoke this Divine energy within Us All.
His Jayanthi (birth anniversary) arrives in midst of this auspicious time, on October 8th. We have prepared a special Preview for this occasion with Swamiji conducting a Satsang while in USA. We will be sharing and posting it shortly towards the end of this month.
Swamiji Yogiraj ji’s Light, Love, creativity, and His generosity is with us if we truly have been practicing devotedly and taking time to connect with these practices on a daily basis. Though many of us have been with Him physically on so many occasions in the past, whether His shakti has been transmitted, meaning recognized and received within us, whether it has been kindled as result, it is only reflected in the way we surrender and live our life and way we utilize our daily time.
Regardless, we continue to be blessed and now have the blessed opportunity to come in direct contact with an embodied saint of this day, a Shrotriya Brahmaniishta, Swamiji Anubhavananadaji Maharaj. He continues to conduct Satsangs and hold sadhana camps throughout the world. One such divine opportunity is coming up in the Himalayas in Rishikesh in Dec. 2024. We often post His satsangs on our Yogavani Mission Facebook page so you can easily familiarize yourself with Him, His eternal teachings, and way of presentation.
There are still few spots available for enrollment for sincere seekers so please note the details below:
Retreats in Rishikesh Dec 2024 with Swamiji Anubhavanandaji
Camp 1 Dec 2nd to 9th Dec 2024 in English
Camp 2 Dec 10th to 17th Dec. 2024 in Hindi
Registration on 1st come 1st serve basis
Retreat Venue:
Swami Dayananada Ashram
Dayananda Nagar/Chandreshwar Nagar
Rishikesh 249137
Contribution 10,000 Rupees per person per camp
Payment details will be made available once enrolled.
For enrollment and Details Please Contact /Message
Bharatbhai in India @
+917 715 002430
or Contact Diksha @ +1 612 232 2604
for any contact related issues or if want to travel from abroad and need info on where to spend day or so in Delhi before reaching Rishikesh as well as means to reach Rishikesh from Delhi or elsewhere in India
Other programs of Swamiji Anubhavanandaji in 2024 are available below:
Stay in contact with us.
For any questions and/or inquiries, contact Diksha who has attended numerous camps with Swamiji in USA and India.
call or text (+1) 612 232 2604
With much Love and Respect,
Jai Shree Satguru Maharaj Ki
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
August 2024
Krishna Janmashtami
August 26th
ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म व्याहरन्मामनुस्मरन् |
य: प्रयाति त्यजन्देहं स याति परमां गतिम् || 13||
oṁ ityekākṣharaṁ brahma vyāharan mām anusmaran
yaḥ prayāti tyajan dehaṁ sa yāti paramāṁ gatim
One who departs from the body while remembering Me, the Supreme Personality, and chanting the syllable Om, will attain the supreme goal.
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 8, verse 13
May your life be filled with love and blessings of Lord Krishna on Janmashtami and always.
Happy Janmashtami!
Jai Shri Krishna
Jayanthi of Harish Joshi
August 8th
beloved brother, teacher, and founder of
Yogavani Mission
The 25 Sutras of Yogiraj Nanak
includes a special tribute to Harish ji
Om Prem Mei, Om Guru Mei, Om Shanti Mei
Jai Gurudev!
For more information about Monthly Sadhana programs and events contact Diksha at
call or text (+1) 612 232 2604
July 2024
Guru Purnima
Sunday, July 21st
The role of Guru in the life of an individual has no comparisons. This Guru Purnima, let us take out time to understand how a Guru creates an impact on the Shishya and the different facets of an enlightened Guru.
*Scheduled at times convenient for aastika bandhus in India as well as the West. Do spread word.*
Simple Registration is mandatory:
Jनहि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
na hi jñānena sadṛiśhaṁ pavitramiha vidyate
In this world, there is indeed no purifier equivalent to knowledge.
(BG.Ch 4.38)
Vedantic Meditation (Eng) - Talk 1
Swami Anubhavananda
Vedantic Meditation (Eng) - Talk 2
Swami Anubhavananda
Vedantic Meditation (Eng) - Talk 3
Swami Anubhavananda
Vedantic Meditation (Eng) - Talk 4
Swami Anubhavananda
May 2024
Adi Shankaracharya Jayanthi
Sunday, May 12th
न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
na hi jñānena sadṛiśhaṁ pavitramiha vidyate
In this world, there is indeed no purifier equivalent to knowledge.
(BG.Ch 4.38)
Additional Updates:
Swami Anubhavanandaji is in USA.
Check out His itinerary below:
This is a rare and Blessed opportunity to meet and attend his programs and retreats in Person
and to receive His darshan.
May this blessed season rekindle our inner Spiritual quest, open our hearts and mind by the grace of Guru and God and remain peaceful and happy in all we do spreading happiness and joy to everyone - unconditionally
April 2024
“Perform all your actions for God. Let God act in your life. Welcome Every One, retain No One.”
Swami Yogiraj Nanak
April is a month with special significance to us all
and this year dates and events are spread wide across April and May.
April 29th is 450th Jayanthi (birthday) of
Baba Sant Maluk Das
always celebrated according to the Vedic astrological calendar.
This is also the Mahasamadhi day of our beloved
Harish Joshi,
whom Baba Sant Maluk das released into His abode on His 446 Jayanthi Day of April 12th 2020.
Harishji, our dear friend and yogi, gurubhai and brother remains forever in our hearts and is Eternally in our midst.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
Additional Updates:
Swami Anubhavanandaji is in USA.
Check out His itinerary below:
This is a rare and Blessed opportunity to meet and attend his programs and retreats in Person
and to receive His darshan.
May this blessed season rekindle our inner Spiritual quest, open our hearts and mind by the grace of Guru and God and remain peaceful and happy in all we do spreading happiness and joy to everyone - unconditionally
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ji !
March 2024
Premiere March 1st
on the Mahasamadhi Day
of our Beloved Swami Yogiraj Nanak
Please click on link below
Maha Shivaratri
Friday (evening), March 8th - March 9th (sunrise)
Experience Lord Shiva at Midnight on Mahashivratri!
Participate in a special satsang and sacred chants unto Lord Shiva,
and witness the grand Maha Aarti at midnight!
Livestream from South Africa.
Om Namah Shivaya
for inquiries:
or What's App Diksha +1 612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ki!
January / February 2024
Happy New Year with Blessings for a year of Sadhana, inquiry, reflection, contemplation, and deep meditation. Allow all to flow, materialize, manifest from thereof by the Grace of the Lord, God and Guru.
Be Happy and spread Happiness in 2024.
29 pointers On Life and Living by
Swami Anubhavananda for daily reflection and for our personal integration in life
1. Life is a waking dream.
2. Lead your life in an inspired mode.
3. Don’t make a prestige issue about anything in your life.
4. In our life, we are either seeking happiness or expressing happiness. Stop seeking happiness. When we express happiness through our thoughts, words and deeds, we are directly connecting
with the infinite divine.
5. Every problem in our life is an opportunity to reflect and reach for the truth.
6. We are squarely responsible for whatever is happening in our life.
7. Accept life cheerfully and gracefully.
8. Life is only fulfilled when we know our
true nature.
9. Change your understanding of life. Everything is in me.
10. Life flowing through us without turmoil - This is fulfillment.
11. Don’t get lost in the non-essentials of life. You will suffer!
12. Be an illuminator and not be affected.
13. When learning from every experience becomes our criteria for living, a seeker is born.
14. By proper learning and observation of our life, we can limit our activities to what we can reasonably do without becoming burdened.
15. If you are happy Now, you can never be miserable in life. You don’t live yesterday or tomorrow.
16. When you are happy with silly things, then you are in the present.
17. If you postpone being happy, even God cannot make you happy.
18. Don’t try to make anyone happy in this world. Even God hasn’t succeeded.
19. Be a generic product. Not specific. Fit everywhere.
20. How you look at the world is your choice.
21. We live our convictions.
22. Instead of living as the body, we must live through the body.
23. Learn to the live in the utter present. No notions. No conditions.
24. Learn to live independently.
25. All activities will continue in our lives. No activity is contradictory to abiding in the Self.
26. Learn to say No and accept a No.
27. We suffer maximum because of our unnecessary flow of thoughts. Relax.
28. Technique to break this chain of thoughts is to take deep breaths with the name of the Lord. Hari – breathe in. Om – breathe out.
29. Remain in the Now. Don’t bring even a moment of the past into the present or project even a moment into the future.
All above are invaluable tips towards living a fully integrated life culminating in a life of sadhana 24/7
gifted to us
by Swami Anubhavananda Saraswati Maharaj
for questions or inquiries:
or What's App Diksha +1 612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
November 2023
Yogini Prakash Didi Kapoor
Smriti Diwas
(foremost disciple of Yogiraj, serving Him since inception of Adhyatmic Sadhana Sangh)
Sunday, November 5th
Navaratri: Celebration of Devi, Cosmic Energy
Sunday, Oct 15 through Tuesday, Oct 24th
The nine days and nights of Navarātri are considered an important time for physical, mental, and spiritual purification and transformation. Cosmic energy is personified and invoked here as Devī or Durgā, Mother of the universe, vanquishing in battle all the demons or forces of darkness and ignorance.
Tuesday, October 24, is Vijayā Dashamī, the “Day of Victory” and Conclusion of Navarātri.
Daily Puja, Meditation with chanting of the Devi Mahatmyam
Contact us for details at
or call +1 612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
October 2023
सर्वश्रुतिशिरोरत्नसमुद्भासितमूर्तये ।
वेदान्ताम्बूजसूर्याय तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥६॥
Vedanta-ambuja-suryaaya Tasmai Shri-Gurave Namaha
"Salutations to the Guru whose form is radiant with the crest - jewel of all the Vedas and Upanishads, and who is the Sun that causes the lotus of Vedanta to blossom"
Guru Stotram (verse 6)
We have been gifted the Art and Science of Yoga Sadhana by our beloved Gurudev Swami Yogiraj Nanak Ji Maharaj.
His 96th Jayanthi, His Birthday, is on October 8th.
Swamiji clearly delineated the teachings echoed in all the sacred Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma: the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Geeta and numerous other texts, making it easy for us to grasp their essence if we are true seekers and sincerely committed to living in the Truth.
Swamiji Always reminded us to dwell within our Sacred heart, the abode of the Self, and Not to be hypnotized, dwelling in the emotional heart which is filled with impurities, attachments and illusions.
We will hold a special Satsang online to celebrate Swamiji’s birthday to stay inspired and committed to His teachings and be worthy to experience His abundant grace 24/7.
Please contact us for a Zoom link wherever
in world you may be.
for further questions or inquiries:
or, What’s app Diksha +1 612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
Navaratri: Celebration of Devi, Cosmic Energy
Sunday, Oct 15 through Tuesday, Oct 24th
The nine days and nights of Navarātri are considered an important time for physical, mental, and spiritual purification and transformation. Cosmic energy is personified and invoked here as Devī or Durgā, Mother of the universe, vanquishing in battle all the demons or forces of darkness and ignorance.
Tuesday, October 24, is Vijayā Dashamī, the “Day of Victory” and Conclusion of Navarātri.
Daily Puja, Meditation with chanting of the Devi Mahatmyam
Contact us for details @
or call +1 612 232 2604
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
September 2023
We would like to wish everyone a
Happy Krishna Janmashtami
Our Gurudev Swami Yogiraj was an embodiment of the essence of the Bhagavad Gita.
He wanted us to live it by study and reflection for our transformation in all aspects of life.
We highly recommend Geeta Pariwar for study of the Gita. Please check it out.
Classes are only 40 minutes per day 5 days a week
Jai Shri Krishna!
August 2023
Jayanthi Celebration of
our beloved gurubhai, teacher, and friend
Shri Harish Joshi
founding member of Yogavani Mission
Tuesday, August 8th
Program includes:
Puja, Arati, recitation of Stotras from the Bhagavad Gita, reflection, meditation, sharings, Prasad
Blessings and Love
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
for further details / info please contact Diksha:
or call : +1 612-232-2604
July 2023
Monthly Vedantic Meditation
Thursday, July 27th 5pm
on Shri Dakshinamurti Stotram
for further details / info please contact Diksha:
or call : +1 612-232-2604
Blessings and Love
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
Jai Gurudev!
Guru Purnima Celebration
Monday, July 3rd 2pm
program includes:
Chanting of Guru Stotram
A Special Satsang on the Guru Tattwa, the Divine priniciple we offer our devotion and reverence to as we seek to transform ourselves
Closing Aarati
Sharings and Prasad
Blessings and Love
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
Jai Gurudev!
June 2023
Vedantic Sadhana Retreat
on Sri Dakshinamurti Stotram
Sunday, June 25th
Session 1 - Introduction
Session 2
Session 3
including closing prayers
Refreshments and dinner served
Dear Friends,
Please note our Sadhana Page for this Month and learn more about Vedanta and Vedantic/Dehypnotic meditation
Come attend our end of this Month Vedantic Retreat
See our Class/Events section for details
Guru Purnima is upcoming July 3rd.
The blessings and love of our Gurus are abundant and ever flowing.
Let us All tune to It and realize this eternal truth and connection.
Jai Gurudev Ki
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
for further details / info please contact Diksha:
or call : +1 612-232-2604
May 2023
Buddha Purnima
The Birthday of Gotama Buddha
May 5th 7:30- 8:45 pm
The Main Guest: Hakuei Yamaguchi (Soutou-Zen)
(The Minister of Furou-Zan Nounin-ji Temple)
Part 1
7:30 Opening Chanting(From Hollywood Temple)
“Prajna-Paramita-Hrdaya-Sutram” (By Hakuei Yamaguchi & others)
Slide Show: “The Life of Gotama Buddha” (Till Departure)
The Life of Buddha: Based on the book,
“Gotama Buddha” by Hajime Nakamura
”The Life of Shakyamuni” by Hidetomo Kanaoka
Part 2
8:05 Buddhist Chanting (By Hakuei Yamaguchi & others)
8:10 Q & A “How to practice the Teachings
of Swami Vivekananda in Buddhism 2”
8:45 Flower Offerings & Bathing Baby Buddha
By Vedanta Society of Southern California
Photo: Kamakura Daibutsu, Great Buddha at Kamakura
Swami Anubhavananda Live Satsangs
Topic: Relax and be Happy
Lecture on Saturday, May 6th, 3:30PM EDT
Location: Arunachala Ashrama, Queens, NY
Address: 86-06 Edgerton Boulevard, Jamaica NY 11432
Topic: Undoing Life
Sunday, May 7th 11:30-12:30PM EDT
Location: Vedanta Society of NY
34 West 71st St. NY, NY
Blessings and Love
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih
449th Baba Sant Maluk Das Jayanthi
April 11- 2023
"Whosoever comes to me, to be with me, will never be disappointed"
Baba Maluk Das
Baba Sant Maluk Das Jayanthi month will conclude with a
Sadhana Retreat
Friday April 28 - Sunday April 30th
(in person and online}
( for details and reservations contact Diksha )
Retreat Schedule:
* Friday, April 28th
introduction and welcome
6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
( 3:30 a.m. IST Sat April 29th )
* Saturday, April 29th
7 a.m. Vedantic Meditation
(4:30 p.m. IST)
9:30 a.m. retreat session #1
(7:00 p.m. IST)
11:30 a.m. retreat session #2
(9 p.m. IST)
3 p.m. retreat session # 3
(12:30 a.m. IST on April 30th )
* Sunday, April 30th
7 a.m. Vedantic Meditation
(4:30 p.m. IST)
9:30 a.m. retreat Session # 4
(7 p.m. IST)
11:30 a.m. retreat Session # 5
(9 p.m. IST)
12:30 p.m.
reflections and sharings
*please confirm your participation respectfully in advance
for further info. contact
(+1 ) 612 232 2604
what’s app, telegram app , text
Thank you.
Jai Shri Gurubhyo Namaha
Om Hari Om
Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi
<> <> <> <> <>
March 1, 2023
Mahasamadhi Day of
Swami Yogiraj Nanak Ji Maharaj
10 years and Eternally with Us.
March 1st is the Mahasamadhi Day of our Beloved Guruji Swamiji Yogiraj Nanak whose physical presence has not been with us since 2013 but His Grace , Love, and Divine teachings continue to be our inspiration and Guiding Light.
It is up to our sincerity and innermost calling to experience His presence in our midst simply because in essence the Guru resides within.
On this occasion, we share a Special Guru Stotram: Hymn in Praise of the Guru along with Maluk Das Invocation
recorded at Yogavani Temple
श्री गुरुस्तोत्रम् Guru Stotram & Maluk Das Invocation
Jai Shri Satguru Maharaj Ki!
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih